
This is the website for  the game Spooky Dodgeball at a Distance, designed for the course LMC 6399  (“Discovery & Invention” ), held on Spring 2015 by the Digital Media department at Georgia Tech.

Players in the game use a Neurosky Mindwave headset, a  low-cost EEG biosensor,  and a Playstation Move controller to defend and attack in a virtual game of dodgeball.  Focus your thoughts and attack, or meditate to defend!


Want to play the game? Here’s how to get started!


Design, Programming and Documentation by:

Devin Wilson( email: devinwilson at gatech dot edu)

Albith Delgado (email: albith at gatech dot edu)

 Special Thanks to our game testers, J. Russell Hufmann and Jessica Anderson!

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